===== #IOCX Transparency Report - December 2022 ===== Happy New Year! It is time for another transparency report! In December we grew to roughly 23,500 InfoSec friends. That is in increase of more than 3k - Welcome to #IOCX Everyone! Our Moderators dealt with roughly 100 reports in December - A 50% decrease - Way to go friends! Remember: Our Mods are volunteers, so be nice and show gratitude when you see [[https://ioc.exchange/@alaric|@alaric]] and [[https://ioc.exchange/@cstromblad|@cstromblad]] online! \\ ==== Financial Details ==== In December the cost of running #IOCX was $898 - Here is the breakdown of the costs:\\ $312 Linode Server Hosting\\ $586 AWS Cloudfront + S3\\ Donations and memberships amounted to $716 for the month of December. Luckily we had $250 left over from November, so we were able to cover the running costs of the instance. **A very big shout-out to everyone who already supported or supports #IOCX - It is much appreciated!** We will work on reducing running costs in the next couple of weeks, but we will also need a bit more contributions in January. If you can, please contribute on our [[https://www.buymeacoffee.com/iocx|BuyMeACoffee page]]. \\ ==== Improvements ==== In December we were able to execute on the following improvements: * Move the database to faster storage to improve performance * Increasing the character limit per post With that we now support 1024 characters per post and some of you have made good use of that freedom already - Keep rocking! \\ ==== Future Plans ==== There is always more to do of course. Here are some ideas for improvements that we will work on in the coming weeks: * Lowering the costs of running the instance by running storage clean-up scripts more frequently * Lowering the costs of running the instance by replacing AWS Cloudfront with an nginx based proxy setup * Adding a Translation feature based on LibreTranslate * Register a DMCA agent \\ Please keep feedback coming and Have Fun and Stay Safe!