This is an old revision of the document!

Happy New Year! It is time for another transparency report!

In December we grew to roughly 23,500 InfoSec friends. That is in increase of more than 3k - Welcome to #IOCX Everyone!

Our Moderators @alaric and @cstromblad dealt with roughly 100 reports in December - A 50% decrease - Way to go friends!

Remember: Our Mods are volunteers, so be nice and show gratitude when you see @alaric and @cstromblad online!

In December the cost of running #IOCX was $898 - Here is the breakdown of the costs:
$312 Linode Server Hosting
$586 AWS Cloudfront + S3

Donations and memberships amounted to $716 for the month of December. Luckily we had $250 left over from November, so we were able to cover the running costs of the instance. A very big shout-out to everyone who already supported or supports #IOCX - It is much appreciated!

We will work on reducing running costs in the next couple of weeks, but we will also need a bit more contributions in January. If you can, please contribute on our BuyMeACoffee page.

In December we were able to execute on the following improvements:

  • Move the database to faster storage to improve performance
  • Increasing the character limit per post

With that we now support 1024 characters per post and some of you have made good use of that freedom already - Keep rocking!

There is always more to do of course. Here are some ideas for improvements that we will work on in the coming weeks:

  • Lowering the costs of running the instance by running storage clean-up scripts more frequently
  • Lowering the costs of running the instance by replacing AWS Cloudfront with an nginx based proxy setup
  • Adding a Translation feature based on LibreTranslate
  • Register a DMCA agent

Please keep feedback coming and Have Fun and Stay Safe!